Holy Mod Podge
It's been a really, REALLY long time since our last post. That little thing called life does sometimes get in the way... I'd love to say I've been so busy with my current crafty obsessions (plural) but that is only partly true. In the midst of career changes, holidays, wedding planning, birthdays and deaths, acceptance into Law school and demo-ing a bathroom that I was completely unprepared for... Well, Happy 2013, everyone! :) So, allow me to back track a bit and tell you guys a little about this neat little trick with Mod Podge. Many of my family members received sentimental photos over the holiday season due to this nifty little discovery. It's super cool... pretty simple... and makes the NEATEST photos ever. Let's begin, shall we? All you need is a gel medium (available at most craft stores), Mod Podge (obviously), a photo or image of your choice printed on the thinnest paper possible, and a piece of wood. I have printed most of m